Jump aboard a 35 minute direct train from Norwich, and you will arrive to the smell of fresh salt air, blue seas, and white glistening sand. The destination: Great Yarmouth. I will admit that the town does live up to the attached stigma and seems a little run down and tacky. However the beach is lush, and you can get chips in a cone off the market for a quid! There is so much to do, and in the end like everywhere, it's what you do/make it that counts.

Walking down the bustling Regent Road there are the usual seaside tack stores, selling buckets, sticks of rock and I <3 GY tees. Tickles joke shop with the man chundering in a toxic bucket outside is my personal favourite. At number 18 Regent Road there is even a mini- maddame toussads in the form of Louis Tussauds House of Wax.

Check out the pier, the rides and the arcades. Watch kids ride donkeys or the oldies with their metal detectors hoping for a good find. Play a game of adventure golf, buy a picnic for the beach at the ASDA next to the train station, or grab some fresh fish and chips. The shopping centre isn't bad either with most of the main shops including topshop, new look and Miss Selfridges.
The best thing and what I would highly suggest you do on your visit to Great Yarmouth is catch a boat to Scroby Sands to see the grey seal colony. Scoby Sands
was one of the first commercial offshore wind farms in the UK and houses 30 turbines. It is now also home to a large seal colony, who come right up to the boat, and are a delight to watch.
You catch the boat, on the beach just right of the main pier.
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